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Talk about Writing

A good habit is definitely a treasure for its unconsciously continuity. Additionally, keep doing one thing helps you doing it better and better. The habit that I want to develop this year is writing.

Due to my academic background, I am not inexperienced with writing. To be honest, I did not enjoy writing during the period of graduate school. It is something I spent lots of time in but what I wrote is not really about myself, what I felt is not quite important.

This year, I made a decision. I decide to write ONLY about myself and turn it into a habit. It is easy to start something but difficult to keep doing it for a long time. In order to overcome this issue that most people have, I choose to write in a blog. Publishing what I write it expected to motivate myself.

Furthermore, writing occasionally provides a moment for me to reach “flow state” while talking to myself. Well, let’s back to the question that I asked at the beginning.

What I am looking for through writing?

The simplest answer is myself.

Metaphor of Writing